Steps to Take When Filing a Boat Accident Insurance Claim in Maryland

Maryland’s picturesque waterways attract boat enthusiasts from all over, providing endless opportunities for recreational activities. While boating offers a delightful experience, accidents can happen, leading to injuries, property damage, and even fatalities. In such unfortunate events, having the right insurance coverage is crucial. Filing a boat accident insurance claim in Maryland requires specific steps and adherence to state regulations. At Alpert Schreyer, LLC, we understand the complexities of boat accident claims and aim to guide you through the process. In this article, we’ll outline the essential steps to take when filing a boat accident insurance claim in Maryland and the requirements involved.Steps to Take When Filing a Boat Accident Insurance Claim in Maryland

Ensure Safety First

Before delving into the insurance claim process, prioritize safety. Immediately after the accident, assess the situation and ensure that everyone onboard is safe. If there are injuries, seek medical attention promptly. Remember to document any injuries as they will be vital for your insurance claim later on. Furthermore, attend to any immediate safety concerns, such as securing the vessel to prevent further damage or hazards.

Report the Accident

Maryland law mandates that you report a boating accident to the Maryland Natural Resources Police (NRP) if any of the following conditions are met:

  • A person dies as a result of the accident.
  • A person disappears and cannot be located within 48 hours.
  • A person is injured and requires medical treatment beyond first aid.
  • There is damage to the vessel or other property exceeding $2,000.
  • The vessel is completely destroyed.

When reporting an accident, provide the NRP with detailed information about the incident, including the date, time, location, names and contact information of all involved parties, and a description of the damages and injuries.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Once safety concerns have been addressed and you’ve reported the accident to the NRP, contact your insurance company. It’s essential to inform them of the accident as soon as possible, even if you’re unsure whether you’ll file a claim. Your insurer will guide you through the necessary steps and provide instructions on how to proceed.

Document the Scene

To strengthen your insurance claim, gather evidence from the scene of the accident. This includes taking photographs of the damaged vessel, any injuries sustained, the location of the accident, and any other relevant details. The more evidence you have, the better your chances of a successful claim.

Collect Witness Statements

If there were witnesses to the accident, obtain their contact information and statements. Witness testimonies can be invaluable in establishing the facts of the incident and confirming liability.

Obtain a Copy of the Accident Report

Request a copy of the accident report filed with the NRP. This official document will contain crucial details about the accident, including the names of all parties involved, their insurance information, and any citations issued. This information will be essential when filing your insurance claim.

Cooperate with the Investigation

Insurance companies typically conduct their own investigations into boat accidents. Cooperate fully with your insurer and provide all requested information. Be honest and transparent about the details of the accident to avoid any potential issues with your claim.

Evaluate Your Coverage

Review your boat insurance policy to understand the extent of your coverage. Maryland does not require boaters to carry insurance, but it is highly recommended. Your policy may cover different aspects of a boating accident, such as property damage, bodily injury, and liability. Familiarize yourself with your policy’s limits and deductibles to ensure you understand what is and isn’t covered.

Seek Legal Counsel

If the accident resulted in serious injuries or fatalities, or if you encounter difficulties with the insurance company, it may be wise to consult with an experienced boat accident attorney. An attorney can provide valuable guidance, negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, and help you navigate the legal complexities of your claim.

Requirements for Filing a Boat Accident Insurance Claim in Maryland

When filing a boat accident insurance claim in Maryland, there are specific requirements and regulations that must be adhered to:

Compliance with Reporting Laws

As mentioned earlier, Maryland law requires boaters to report accidents meeting certain criteria to the NRP. Failure to report an accident can result in legal consequences and may affect your insurance claim.

Timely Reporting to Your Insurer

Notify your insurance company of the accident promptly. Most policies have specific deadlines for reporting accidents, so it’s crucial to adhere to them. Failure to report within the stipulated timeframe may result in claim denial.

Documentation and Evidence

Thoroughly document the accident by taking photographs, collecting witness statements, and obtaining a copy of the official accident report filed with the NRP. This evidence will help support your claim and establish liability.

Cooperation with Investigations

Cooperate fully with your insurance company’s investigation. Be honest and transparent about the details of the accident, as providing false or misleading information can lead to claim denial.

Review Your Policy

Understand the coverage provided by your boat insurance policy. Maryland does not mandate insurance for boaters, but having adequate coverage is essential in the event of an accident. Ensure you are aware of your policy’s limits, deductibles, and any exclusions that may apply.

Filing a boat accident insurance claim in Maryland can be a complex process, but it’s essential to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for injuries, damages, or losses resulting from a boating accident. By following the steps outlined in this article and adhering to Maryland’s reporting requirements, you can navigate the insurance claim process more effectively.

At Alpert Schreyer, LLC, we understand the challenges that can arise when dealing with boat accident insurance claims. If you encounter any difficulties or have questions about your claim, don’t hesitate to seek legal counsel from our experienced attorneys. We are here to assist you in securing the compensation you need to recover from your boating accident. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and get started on your path to recovery.