Top mistakes to avoid when filing a Maryland workers’ compensation claim

Filing a workers’ compensation claim in Maryland can be a complex process. From gathering evidence to submitting paperwork, there are several crucial steps that must be followed to ensure your claim is successful. Unfortunately, many workers make mistakes during this process that can jeopardize their chances of receiving the compensation they deserve. At Alpert Schreyer, LLC, we understand the intricacies of Maryland workers’ compensation law, and we have seen firsthand the common mistakes that can hinder a claim. In this article, we will discuss the top mistakes to avoid when filing a Maryland workers’ compensation claim and provide valuable insights into the requirements for filing a successful claim.

Failing to Report the Injury or Accident Promptly:Top mistakes to avoid when filing a Maryland workers' compensation claim

One of the most common mistakes made by injured workers is failing to report the injury or accident to their employer promptly. In Maryland, you must report the injury to your employer within 10 days of the accident. Delaying the reporting process can raise suspicion and may lead to a denial of your claim. It is crucial to notify your employer as soon as possible, even if you believe the injury is minor or will resolve on its own.

Not Seeking Immediate Medical Attention:

Another critical mistake is failing to seek immediate medical attention following a work-related injury. Even if the injury seems minor, it is essential to get evaluated by a healthcare professional promptly. Delaying medical treatment can not only worsen your condition but can also weaken your claim. Ensure you document all medical visits, treatments, and prescriptions related to your work injury.

Incomplete or Inaccurate Documentation:

Proper documentation is vital when filing a workers’ compensation claim. Many claimants make the mistake of providing incomplete or inaccurate information on their claim forms. To avoid this error, ensure that you fill out all required forms accurately and include all relevant information regarding your injury, medical treatment, and the circumstances surrounding the accident. Providing comprehensive and accurate documentation will strengthen your claim and improve your chances of a successful outcome.

Failing to Meet Deadlines:

Maryland has strict deadlines for filing workers’ compensation claims. Missing these deadlines can lead to a denial of your claim. It is crucial to familiarize yourself with the deadlines and ensure that all necessary paperwork is submitted within the specified timeframe. Seeking legal representation from an experienced workers’ compensation attorney can help you navigate these deadlines and ensure compliance.

Not Reporting Pre-Existing Conditions:

Workers often make the mistake of not reporting pre-existing conditions when filing a workers’ compensation claim. It is essential to disclose any pre-existing conditions that may have been aggravated or exacerbated by the work-related injury. Failing to do so can damage your credibility and may lead to a denial of your claim. Be honest and transparent about your medical history to avoid complications during the claims process.

Inadequate Evidence and Witness Statements:

Insufficient evidence is a common mistake made by workers when filing a workers’ compensation claim. To strengthen your claim, gather all relevant evidence, including accident reports, medical records, photographs, and witness statements. Witness statements can play a crucial role in supporting your claim, so be sure to obtain statements from any individuals who witnessed the accident or were aware of the conditions that led to your injury.

Not Seeking Legal Representation:

Navigating the complexities of Maryland workers’ compensation law can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with an injury and the challenges of the claims process. Failing to seek legal representation can be a costly mistake. An experienced workers’ compensation attorney can guide you through the process, ensure all necessary paperwork is submitted correctly and on time, and advocate for your rights and best interests.

Requirements for Filing a Successful Workers’ Compensation Claim in Maryland:

In Maryland, certain requirements must be met to file a successful workers’ compensation claim. These requirements include:

Employment Status: To be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits in Maryland, you must be an employee, not an independent contractor or volunteer.

Work-Related Injury or Illness: The injury or illness must be work-related, meaning it occurred while performing job duties or as a result of the work environment.

Timely Reporting: You must report the injury or accident to your employer within 10 days to ensure your claim is valid.

Medical Treatment: Seek medical attention promptly, and ensure all medical treatments and visits are documented.

Completing Claim Forms: Fill out all necessary claim forms accurately and completely, including information about your injury, medical treatment, and the circumstances surrounding the accident.

Filing Deadlines: Adhere to the strict filing deadlines set by Maryland workers’ compensation law to avoid claim denial.

If you have been injured at work and need assistance with your workers’ compensation claim, don’t make the mistake of navigating the process alone. At Alpert Schreyer, LLC, our experienced workers’ compensation attorneys are dedicated to helping injured workers in Maryland receive the compensation they deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us guide you through the complexities of the claims process. Don’t wait—protect your rights and secure the compensation you need to recover and move forward.