Understanding the role of negligence in Maryland wrongful death accidents

In the wake of a tragic accident resulting in wrongful death, families in Maryland are often left grappling with grief and loss. While the emotional toll is immeasurable, there is also a legal aspect to consider – the role of negligence in such cases. Maryland law recognizes that wrongful death claims arise from the negligent actions of individuals or entities, and understanding the nuances of negligence is crucial for those seeking justice and compensation in the aftermath of a fatal accident.Understanding the role of negligence in Maryland wrongful death accidents


Negligence, in the legal context, refers to the failure to exercise reasonable care that ultimately leads to harm. In the realm of wrongful death cases, negligence serves as the foundation upon which claims are built. To establish a successful wrongful death claim in Maryland, certain elements of negligence must be proven.

Duty of Care

The first element in a negligence claim is establishing a duty of care owed by the defendant to the deceased. This duty is essentially the legal obligation to act reasonably and responsibly to prevent harm to others. In the context of wrongful death, it could be a driver’s duty to operate a vehicle safely, a doctor’s duty to provide adequate medical care, or a property owner’s duty to maintain a safe environment.

Breach of Duty

Once the duty of care is established, the next step is to demonstrate a breach of that duty. This involves proving that the defendant failed to meet the standard of care expected in the given situation. This breach could result from reckless actions, negligence, or a blatant disregard for the safety of others.


Causation is a critical aspect of negligence. It requires demonstrating a direct link between the defendant’s breach of duty and the death of the victim. In other words, it must be shown that the defendant’s actions were a substantial factor in bringing about the fatal accident. Establishing causation often involves a careful examination of the events leading up to the tragedy.


To pursue a wrongful death claim, the plaintiff must prove that they suffered measurable damages as a result of the defendant’s negligence. In the context of a wrongful death case, these damages typically include funeral expenses, medical bills, loss of financial support, and the emotional anguish experienced by the surviving family members.

Maryland’s Unique Approach to Wrongful Death Claims

Maryland law has specific provisions governing wrongful death claims, and understanding these nuances is crucial for those navigating the legal landscape after a tragic loss. In Maryland, only certain individuals are eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit, and they must do so within a specified timeframe.

Eligibility to File

Maryland law designates certain individuals as “primary beneficiaries” who have the right to file a wrongful death claim. These include the surviving spouse, children, and parents of the deceased. If none of these primary beneficiaries are available, secondary beneficiaries such as siblings or other dependents may be eligible to file a claim.

Statute of Limitations

Timing is of the essence in wrongful death cases, and Maryland imposes a statute of limitations on filing such claims. Generally, a wrongful death lawsuit must be initiated within three years of the date of death. Failing to meet this deadline may result in the loss of the right to pursue legal action.

Comparative Negligence in Maryland Wrongful Death Cases

Maryland follows the doctrine of contributory negligence, which can have a significant impact on wrongful death claims. Unlike some states that allow plaintiffs to recover damages even if they are partially at fault, Maryland’s contributory negligence rule is more stringent.

Under contributory negligence, if the deceased is found to have contributed in any way to the accident that led to their death, the surviving family members may be barred from recovering any damages. This makes it essential to thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding the accident and build a strong case to counter any claims of contributory negligence.

Seeking Legal Guidance for Wrongful Death Claims in Maryland

Navigating the legal complexities of wrongful death claims in Maryland requires the experience of seasoned attorneys who understand the intricacies of negligence law in the state. Alpert Schreyer, LLC, with a proven track record in personal injury and wrongful death cases, stands ready to assist grieving families in their pursuit of justice.

Compassionate Advocacy

At Alpert Schreyer, LLC, we recognize the emotional turmoil families endure in the aftermath of a wrongful death. Our compassionate and experienced legal team is committed to providing empathetic support while aggressively pursuing the compensation our clients deserve. We understand that no amount of financial restitution can fully compensate for the loss of a loved one, but it can alleviate the financial burdens that often accompany such tragedies.

Thorough Investigation

Our approach to wrongful death cases involves a thorough and meticulous investigation into the circumstances surrounding the fatal accident. We work with a network of specialists, including accident reconstruction specialists and medical professionals, to gather evidence that establishes the defendant’s negligence and strengthens our clients’ claims.

Strategic Legal Representation

With a deep understanding of Maryland’s negligence laws and the nuances of wrongful death claims, the attorneys at Alpert Schreyer, LLC, provide strategic legal representation. We leverage our knowledge to build compelling cases that withstand scrutiny, whether negotiating a settlement or litigating in court.

In the face of a wrongful death caused by negligence, Maryland families deserve justice. Understanding the role of negligence in these cases is the first step toward holding those responsible accountable for their actions. Alpert Schreyer, LLC, is here to guide grieving families through the legal process, offering compassionate advocacy and skilled representation. If you have lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence, contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward justice for your family.